What we do when we are sick

Posted by on Apr 11, 2016

Something we experience regularly is sickness.  We have had our share of it in PNG.  The list thus far… Giardia Lamblia, flu, infection, virus’s causing asthma in the kids, flippant fevers, abscesses, random weakness, rashes, headaches, intense stomach pain, vomit and diarrhea.  With all those sicknesses we have taken a LOT of medicine as well.

Things like blood work and regular operations that would be performed in the States are just not available here.  Thankfully there are pharmacies in town that sell common drugs that are needed to treat most issues.  All in all we are immensely thankful to God for the resources that he has given us, even if they are minimal.  Even more amazing… We have been able to reach out to three Doctors back in the States who have made themselves available for advice on our medical issues.  Modern technology like the internet, which is a helpful tool, has made these medical conversations possible.

Stethoscope Knox
As I write, Knox and Greer have some type of congestion issue that went into their lungs (Knox worse that Greer).  Two days ago Knox had such difficulty breathing that he could barely blow on a piece of paper to make it move.  With Belle having asthma in the past we had an idea what to do but it is always a nervous time when we are sick.  PNG in general does not have good medical care.  We were able to reach out to my brother (the Doctor) and he gave us some advice on addressing it.

Knox and Greer are much better now (just two days after starting treatment).  God continues to provide for us in our medical issues.  Even greater than medical needs, He continues to provide grace to us through the blood of his son Jesus Christ.  As Lorie and I have opportunity to evangelize with people and our kids.  It would be a tragedy if we only cared for people’s physical needs but not their soul by sharing the good news of the Gospel.

It is also a comfort to remember that God in His providence is in control of every detail in His universe – including sickness.  As believers in Jesus Christ it should be a reminder of what Paul says in Romans 8:28 “And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”  Rather than viewing sickness as a “bad” thing we are called to remember that it is an instrument for our good in the hand of our loving Father.  It reminds us that we are dependent on Him, that we are frail and that we can always be more grateful to Him when we are well.