Praise the Lord we have been blessed with such a sweet little girl! Belle is our only girl and 2 years ago she came down with RSV. She was hospitalized for one night and two days. Since that original occurrence she has only had an increase in the frequency of asthmatic attacks She has also been on MANY different medications to help her breathe.
Over a month ago Belle had a bronchoscopy procedure performed. The Doctor used a camera and looked inside her lungs as well as her upper airway. They also flushed her lungs and cultured the liquid that they extracted from the procedure. She ended up having Pneumaccocal (bacterial infection) in her lungs. Her Doctor prescribed a particular antibiotic that she was on for 14 days. Since then she has only been doing AMAZING. Her lung function is normal and she is able to breathe like a normal kid. It is almost as though the asthma is completely gone!
Even with colds and the flu going around, she has a occasional cough but nothing that would draw concern from Lorie or I. This seems to be a direct answer to prayer that Belle’s asthma would be taken away. Please continue to pray for Belle; that here asthma symptoms would not return. Also pray that if they return Lorie and I would be joyful to the Lord. He is the one that brings all things to pass, and there is nothing that happens outside of His will – He also uses them for the good of His children (Romans 8:28).
Praising God with you