We had the opportunity to visit the nDo team in Mareroro! It is such a joy to spend time with our sweet friends the Canns, Mitchells, and Miss Amelia. It had been just over two years since we last set foot in Mareroro, yet arriving felt just like coming back home. For me, it stirs up memories of housebuilding and time with the people. For Lorie and the kids, it brings sweet reminders of cool weather, playing soccer, and serving in such a beautiful place. It was a joy to see the people of Mareroro once again.
Our time was short, with just 6 days in the village. The team had worked out meals perfectly. Each day, we would have all our meals with one family. Then the next day, it would alternate. This allowed us to enjoy time with each family and Amelia in a very intentional way. The food combined with the fellowship, created a perfect symphony of sweetness. We were overjoyed to see the progress the Canns have made, as well as seeing the Mitchells persevere through Culture Language Acquisition (CLA). Amelia is also doing very well, forming relationships and learning language.
Sleeping quarters were at the Canns house . Belle, Lorie and I were in the office, while Greer and Knox slept with Jude and Oliver in their room. The daily routine started with coffee, then Lorie was able to take the kids through some homeschool curriculum each day. We found this was a good help to keep them structured. We had hoped to do more hiking but it seemed the Lord had determined to send rain almost everyday we were there. Ryan and Zach were kind enough to let me do some work around their houses. The punch lists were wrapped up before we left. The largest job was laying down a new pipe and Ethernet cables, spanning between the Mitchells and Canns house.
Here are some fun pics to capture more of the fullness of what happened on the trip!
Keep up on the Canns: http://www.cannsofclay.com
Visit the Mitchell’s Website: https://mitchellsmilesaway.com
What’s Amelia up to? https://finisterreambassador.org
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