Orientation with the Mitchells

Posted by on Feb 6, 2019

The Mitchells stepped off a plane last November and have not looked back.  They boarded their first plane back home in South Africa.  A place filled with family, friends and their home church, Grace Fellowship in Pretoria:  http://www.gracefellowship.co.za.  Saying good-bye is always bittersweet, but their desire to share the gospel with the nDo people proved irresistible.  They began training with Finisterre Vision back in April, 2017 and because of prior seminary training, completed it in September of that same year.  They were ready to come as soon as they finished, but God seemed to have other plans.  Work permit and entry visa approval delayed them for just over one year.  They arrived on November 20th, 2018, and have been in orientation since.

Language learning demands much from the student. You must regularly sacrifice time, energy, focus and sleep pursuing it.  There is also the added stress of living in a foreign culture.  If learning requires stamina within your home culture, how much more when you are in a foreign one?  Even simple things like shopping require new mental energy.  Where is the store located?  What products are available?  How much does it cost?  Each question requires more thought, and each thought requires more energy, resulting in long days and tired minds.  The mind becomes scattered, fractured in a way, as it tries to accommodate to the new environment.  Welcome to orientation!

Ten weeks have passed since they arrived.  The fog, that plagues new missionaries, dissipates a little more each day, and the words that were mumbled before, are now spoken with clarity.  There is light at the end of the tunnel.  Ryan and Elna finished their second Tok Pisin language check last week Friday.  Their progression of Tok Pisin is right on schedule, and they are planning to head to Mareroro on March 7th.  As a family, they learn new things daily and seem to be doing well.  Their kiddos, Calista and Sebastian love playing with Greer, Belle and Knox.  We love the Mitchell family.

I would entreat you to pray for the Mitchells.  They have just six week remaining before their flight to Mareroro.  They need to complete check three and four before they depart.  Shopping, packing and planning will also place a demand on their time.  We are looking forward to their arrival in Mareroro, working along side the Canns and Amelia Brink.  I know the Canns has been longing for teammates for quite some time, what a gracious God we serve, who has brought about new laborers for the work in Mareroro.  

Mitchell’s blog:  http://www.mitchellsmilesaway.com

Amelia Brink’s blog:  https://finisterreambassador.org

Cann’s at their blog:  http://www.cannsofclay.com