We are a little late in getting this out, but we have 2 new guard dogs at the house. They may be big and scary in their own minds, but in reality there still pups. Scout and Oreo made their way from Ukaurmpa to Madang back in October. They are so cute, and all 5 of us are soaking in that precious puppy time! They are already doing a good job to being alert and barking when they hear something out of the ordinary. Oreo is a bit of a runt, but Scott seems to have some big paws left to grow into. He looks like a Clydesdale puppy. Lord willing, these guys will keep an eye out over things for the next several years in Madang. I almost forgot. Pinky, who we have had for the last 5 years, is doing well with the two pups as well.

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